Happy Friday! Our little pup, Nana, is no surprise now but I thought she deserved her own spot on the blog. She’s a Mini Bernedoodle that we got from a breeder in Eugene, OR. She was born on November 25, 2022 and once she was 12 weeks, we had her stay with the breeder and enrolled her in a mini 4-week training. She was flown here and finally in our arms on February 17th!
A few facts about her:
(Yes, I talk about her as if she’s a human child)
- She loves her lamb chop stuffed animal
- She likes to cuddle, but only when she wants to
- Meal time is her favorite time of day
- She goes to work with Justin everyday and has made great friends with each employee there
- She sleeps throughout the night without a peep
- Her favorite outdoor toy is a soccer ball; Airbud 2.0
- She plays alone very well, but of course, loves when someone wants to play with her
- She could be outside for hours; an outdoorsy girl for sure
- She can never seem to get enough water. A thirsty girl!
- She is named after the dog in Peter Pan
And while it seems that I only share the sweet moments with her, she does have her not-so-sweet moments that have led me to tears multiple times. And no, I’m not even ashamed to admit that! But I have to remember that she’s still a puppy and learning, and we’re still learning how to raise a puppy. So we’re in this together. Below are a few more pictures of her and some pieces we’ve bought for her that we love.
Dog crate (medium size), basket is from Ikea
Customizable food/water bowls, silicone mat
We love her to pieces! Thanks for reading —