– Fresh hydrangea/greenery from Trader Joe’s –
– A faux, potted olive plant for the kitchen table –
– A new spring scented candle that I can’t get enough of –
– Our most recent trip to Disney World –
– A new piece of artwork I recently added to our entry –
After our trip to Disney World, we’re finally getting back into the swing of things. Cleaning house, meal prepping, catching up on our shows, working out, and getting back into our daily routines. Vacation is so fun, but it always takes a few days to get resituated when we get back home. Luckily, the warmer temps and bright sunshine give me that little extra boost of energy to get stuff done!
I recently shared a list of things I do when I need a bit of a mood-booster, and adding fresh flowers to my grocery cart is one of them! I love seeing the pretty white hydrangeas from the first photo every time I come home. But, as much as fresh flowers are ideal, sometimes you need a few faux plants/greenery around the house to bring some color and joy into a room — especially during spring! I’ve been loving this faux olive plant (under $35) and I’m constantly moving and rearranging these faux eucalyptus branches around the house.
Besides that spring itch, this is my first official year filing taxes as a business, and while it’s so exciting to realize my little brand is growing, I have no idea what I’m doing tax-wise. Insert David Rose: “The government pays for it. You just write it off!” Classic! It will be a learning experience for sure.
I’m on week 4 of my 1/2 Marathon training and all I can say is, I’m looking forward to Daylight Saving Time so I can run before work. Every week my mileage gets longer, and every week I get a little bit more nervous, but we’re pushing through! If you’re new to running and want to learn more about my personal running journey, you can check out this post.
I tried this new Starbucks drink this week, and I’m hooked. I shared this $10 yearly planner at the beginning of the year, and am still loving it. This has been my best blogger purchase of 2021 so far, and I don’t know how I’ve gone 25 years without this hair tool.
Looking to enjoy a couple 60 degree days this weekend, and celebrate my dad’s birthday. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you back here on Monday for February’s Top 6 Best-Sellers! Xx, E