– Ending 2021 and starting 2022 in Scottsdale, AZ – (outfit deets)
– Rearranging, and organizing the house. – (room details, B&W print is Jenessa Wait)
– Planning and organizing my 2022 planner. –
– My new Franca mug I received for Christmas; love! –
– Scoring sale clothing, and layering up for winter. – (outfit deets)
Hello and welcome to the first Friday Favorite’s of the new year! I love this blog series because this is where I get to share 5 things I’ve been doing/loving and where I get to catch up with you ladies. It’s been awhile since I last created a FF post, so where to begin…
Justin and I spent our last day of 2021 and first day of 2022 in AZ, for no other reason than to escape the snow for a bit. As you probably know by now, we’re both very much summer people, so this winter weather is quite the doozy for us. And while AZ was still cool (50s/60s) it was still ‘warm’ to us Idahoans, LOL.
Besides our little travel adventure, we took down Christmas and I’ve been rearranging/organizing like a mad woman! You can read about my favorite organization products that I shared earlier this week here. I’m by no means an organizing expert, but I do what I can and it brings me joy to see everything in it’s proper place.
My 10k race in Disney World is right around the corner (end of Feb.) so I’m still training for that. But compared to my half marathon I completed last year, 6.2 miles is easy breezy. I may or may not have my site set on a couple more half marathons later this year… stay tuned!
Since Christmas was just a couple weeks ago, I wasn’t planning on buying much, but I must confess those end-of-year sales got to me. I bought this tunic sweater and this faux fur jacket (shown above), and invested in this bookcase for our living room. This crewneck wasn’t on sale, but I’ve been wanting it for awhile so decided to treat myself. I also snagged this vase for our entry nook, and this funky little $16 vase.
I’m looking forward to this year and have a few business/personal checklists I hope to cross off. Thank you for being here and following my journey of life! Have a great weekend —