Merry Christmas! My favorite holiday has finally arrived, and I’m feeling overjoyed with emotions. The past few weeks have been filled with friends, family, Disneyland, eating, drinking, and more eating, and more drinking. I love this time of year and everything it brings.
We spent Christmas Eve creating/decorating graham cracker houses with my family, and later hosted the McAfee family for sweet treats and gifts. Since Justin and I have lived together, we always spend our Christmas mornings just us 2, opening stockings and the gifts we got for one another. Then, we head to my parents to spend the rest of the day with my side of the family. Justin and I are incredibly blessed to have both our families live in the same area as us, and we don’t take that for granted.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being here and allowing me to share this small part of the internet with you. If you supported me in any way this year — purchasing from my links, subscribing to my blog, following me on IG, commenting on my posts.. — thank you; you mean more to me than you know. I love this community of fellow tall girls, and I can’t wait to see where this business takes me in the coming year.
I hope and pray you are spending today with the people you love most, and reflecting on true reason of this joyous day.
Merry Christmas,

(Holiday card designed on and ordered from Canva)