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Another Wednesday, another wishlist! Today’s post is all about organization, and specifically organization from The Container Store. Ever since owning my own home, it’s been slightly stressful to organize every room, closet, cupboard, drawer, etc. However, with the help of The Container Store, I’ve been able to put my mind at ease knowing every item in my home now has a place. Clutter is the last thing I’m trying to collect, so having a designated area for everything helps me keep our home clean and organized!

I just ordered this shoe holder for our closet door and I plan on storing Justin’s miscellaneous sneakers in them. I try my best to keep stuff off of the floor, so having this shoe storage on the back of our closet door will help diminish random floating shoes on the floor.

These glass jars are not only aesthetically pleasing, but extremely versatile. I’ve seen people use them for flour/sugar, powdered laundry soap, craft supplies… you name it! I have a few on the way and I’m not entirely sure how I’ll put them to use yet… I’ll keep you updated!

These jars are almost the same as the ones I just mentioned, but these are acrylic. As the picture shows, I’m going to use the large one for bath salts and proudly display them on the edge of my bathtub.

I’m particularly excited for my undershelf basket to come so I can store it in my pantry and use it for table linen that I don’t use everyday. (Again, this shelf is fantastic for keeping items off of the floor).

I ordered two of these spice racks (our current spice situation is a disaster) for our pantry and this acrylic jewelry holder for our closet.

The Container Store has everything you could ever want to organize your home. I could spend hours on their website just browsing their inventory, and finding stuff I never knew I needed. Do you like organizing? Or do you feel overwhelmed and “save it for another day”? It can be stressful, but I always feel so much better after putting things away!


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